Compare and Contrast 
Body Paragraphs

These videos explain the writing framework that the body paragraphs in a Compare and Contrast Essay follow. 

Compare and Contrast Essays

The Introductory Paragraph

The Body Paragraphs

The Conclusion Paragraph

The Premise

In this video, examples of premises are shared and a practice activity is explained. 

For this lesson, you will need:

  • Premises in Writing Activity

The Introduction to Evidence

In this video, you'll learn phrases to use for successfully integrating evidence into a body paragraph. 

  • Introducing the Evidence Activity

The Evidence

In this video, an activity is explained to help you practice finding "just right" evidence.

  • Finding the Right Evidence

The Justification

In this video, you'll learn exactly where to include justification in your body paragraphs. Hint: it occurs more than once in each paragraph!

  • All About Justification

Practice with the Body Paragraphs

This video helps you take everything you've learned about body paragraphs (premise, introduction to evidence, evidence, and justification) and put it all together in a paragraph you write on your own.

For this lesson, you will need:

  • Practice with the Intro and Body Paragraphs