Introductory Paragraph

These videos walk you through the introductory paragraph in a descriptive essay, which includes a hook to grab the reader's attention and alludes to the topic, a summary of the topic, and a thesis statement. 

Descriptive Essays

The Introductory Paragraph

The Body Paragraphs

The Conclusion Paragraph

The Hook

In this video, five different options for beginning your descriptive essay are explained along with detailed examples.

For this lesson, you will need:

  • Hooks Activity

The Summary

This video walks you through how you will connect your hook and your summary to ensure fluency in your writing. 

  • Summary Activity

The Thesis Statement

"Thesis Statement" is used loosely in descriptive writing, but in this video an explanation is provided for how to narrow down your topic and focus your essay.

  • Practicing Thesis Statements

Practice with the Introductory Paragraph

This video helps you combine everything you've learned about the introductory paragraph (hook, summary, and thesis statement) and put it all together in a paragraph of your own.

For this lesson, you will need:

  • Introductory Paragraph Practice